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Welcome to the Happy Kids parents blog!

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Cuddly Koalas

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys practised different moves of the chess pieces through various games. The children learned how to set up the chessboard and the check and mate technique.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys learned about the characteristics of snails and used oil pastels to create beautiful snail drawings. They were also taught techniques for using oil pastels and cutting.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 07 June 2024

Spatial awareness allows us to sense our surroundings, recognise how our bodies relate to our environment, and understand how objects around us relate to one another. As children develop spatial awareness, they hone a better understanding of physical boundaries as well as concepts such as distance and direction. In this lesson, Cheeky Monkeys have opportunities to show their understanding of spatial concepts through movement, dance, instrument and prop play, as well as expand their spatial vocabulary by describing their surroundings.

Cheeky Monkeys, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys have been learning about British money. The class explored activities that simulate using money in the real world through various activities involving the exchange of money and goods. This would have several benefits to the children, not only in the context of mathematics but also in exploring cross-curricular themes such as learning responsibility, enriching class community, and improving problem-solving skills. We utilised our classroom community to teach the children the responsibility of earning money and contributing to society. Money is earned through hard work and to be able to afford necessities and wants in life, we have to work and take responsibility in our community and society.
The bazaar was the highlight of the children’s foray into learning about money in the real world. With the ‘money’ they were earning by doing chores around the classroom, the children had the chance to purchase goods displayed. Items were set out with price tags on them and cashiers were waiting for the children to bring what they wanted to purchase. The children actively took part and were busy calculating how much they had earned and what they could buy with it. They had to do careful maths to make sure they had enough, they had to work hard at identifying their coins and counting them together to give to the cashiers. This showed resourcefulness from the children and also made them aware that their hard work throughout the week enabled them to be able to afford the things they wanted.

Cheeky Monkeys, 24 May 2024

In preparation for Environmental Day, the children have been learning about ways to conserve the environment and about sustainability. The Cheeky Monkeys class took a short walking trip to the nearby recycling drop-off station. We carried a bag of recyclable materials like glass bottles, milk cartons, paper bags and plastic bottles. The teacher introduced the large bins and what they are used for. The children got to sort the materials into the correct bins with the teachers guiding them. In maths, the children made flower clocks out of card paper. This further reinforced the time concept for the children.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 24 May 2024

Spatial awareness allows us to sense our surroundings, recognize how our bodies relate to our environment, and understand how objects around us relate to one another. As the Cheeky Monkeys develop spatial awareness, they hone a better understanding of physical boundaries as well as concepts such as distance and direction. In this lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys have opportunities to show their understanding of spatial concepts through movement, dance, instrument, and prop play, as well as expand their spatial vocabulary by describing their surroundings.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 24 May 2024

This week, the Cheeky Monkeys explored mixed media art techniques. They used various art materials such as cardboard, magazines, glue, and paints to create beautiful flowers, fostering the development of their fine motor and focusing skills.


Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 24 May 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys are reviewing all the moves of the chess pieces. They practised setting up the chessboard and revised the features and values of the pieces through different games.

Cheeky Monkeys, 10 May 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys enjoyed a sunny day outside by participating in an outdoor activity to celebrate the upcoming Environmental Day and the coming of summer. We decided to upcycle an old pallet we found at the back of Happy Kids and turn it into a fun planter. After sanding down the pallet and getting it prepared, the children painted it with fun bright colours. The other children planted some flowers into pots to get them ready for the planter. Once dry, the pallet will be fixed with the pots and displayed outside. We had our first session with the Barça Academy, the children enjoyed the activities and got to practice their footwork and build stamina.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 10 May 2024

In this activity, the Cheeky Monkeys explore their voices by singing and vocal play. As they echo you, they are learning to match and reproduce specific pitches and word sounds. It allows them to practice the precise coordination of lips, tongue, and breathing necessary to speak or sing expressively. Imitation and vocal play are critical parts of vocal development and give older children the chance to develop their singing voices and explore the complexity of communication.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 10 May 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys learned about the moves of ‘Queen Quenessa ‘ through the story ‘The Queen in the Space’. They also revised the concept of files and ranks on the chessboard, recognising the chess piece and their values through different games.

Cheeky Monkeys, 26 April 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys had an outdoor lesson about clocks and telling time. The children all gathered together on the football field where the teachers drew a big clock face using a pencil and string. Then some children were asked to write numbers around the clock. The children got into pairs, one child was the hour hand and the other child was the minute hand. The teacher called out a time, keeping to the hour and a half past, and children in pairs would lie on the clock representing the time. It was great fun with lots of laughter as children manoeuvred themselves on the clock.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 26 April 2024

By participating in singing games, the Cheeky Monkeys develop social skills that prepare them for adulthood including taking turns and waiting for turns, working cooperatively, observing and accepting others’ ideas, gaining skills and confidence in being a leader and follower, and watching, listening to, and speaking to one another.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 26 April 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys participated in creating the Charity Art Exhibition Banner and posters during their visual arts lessons. They enjoyed using their creativity and imagination with the available materials.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 26 April 2024

During the chess lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys reviewed the moves of the chess pieces. They played games to identify the different chess pieces and listened to the story “Goal Checkmate” to understand how to check and mate on the chessboard.

Cheeky Monkeys, 12 April 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys have been having a variety of outdoor lessons, the latest one involved the children getting into pairs and exploring the garden with blindfolds on. One partner was the leader and the other was wearing the blindfold. The children had to work together to navigate around the garden safely. They could not touch each other and instead, the leader had to use their voice to help the blindfolded child find the object they were heading to. In maths, the children are learning about clocks and how to tell the time. As a preliminary lesson, the children recapped some information about clocks. They then used mini clocks to tell the time to the hour and a half past.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 12 April 2024

Our brains are hard-wired to see the patterns and sequences in the world around us. Learning to see or hear and then recall patterns and sequences means that we can extract meaning from information, language, music, and movement as well as organize the information so we can remember it more easily. As the Cheeky Monkeys develop the ability to recognize and decode patterns and sequences, their learning potential is greatly enhanced because their brains are building skills in prediction and categorization, which can be applied to any new information they encounter.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 12 April 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys are preparing for the Big Charity Art Exhibition by creating unique cardboard Picasso-themed sensory artwork. The children were excited to create their unique artwork.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 12 April 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys went over the moves of the chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. They also heard the story “The King Plays Hide and Seek.” Afterwards, the children played various games, such as “Throw and Catch,” “Rolling the Dice,” and “Run and Shield,” to help them identify the chess pieces and their value.

Cheeky Monkeys, 22 March 2024

With the nice weather upon us, we have been spending more time learning outside. The Cheeky Monkeys played a word and sentence game outside, they had to first find words hidden around the garden. Once found, they brought it back to the football pitch and the children made sentences with the words found and wrote it down on their whiteboard. We started an extreme weather project in the class, and the children learnt about what kind of extreme weather conditions we could have living in Hungary and how we could protect ourselves. They worked in their TRIBES groups to make an information poster on keeping safe in their chosen weather condition.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 22 March 2024

Through auditory discrimination activities, the Cheeky Monkeys are encouraged to develop phonological awareness. Phonological awareness involves an appreciation of the sounds, as well as the meanings of words. Instrument exploration activities such as guiro encourage children to be sensitive to the nuances of different sounds. This also helps them become sensitive to and appreciative of the subtle differences in the sounds of language as they continue to develop and fine-tune their language skills.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 22 March 2024

The children at Cheeky Monkeys painted cherry blossom trees and decorated them with colourful flowers to celebrate the arrival of spring. Some opted for a single colour while others blended shades of pink and purple to create their artwork.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 22 March 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys revised and learned about the value of different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. Furthermore, they listened to the story ‘Quenessa’s Guest’ and answered the asked questions. The children practiced the moves of chess pieces through different games and activities.


Cheeky Monkeys, 8 March 2024

The children have been learning about how to record the weather. We took the lesson outside to do a few experiments to tell the weather. The children learnt that the weather can be recorded in different ways, taking the temperature, collecting rainfall, and telling wind direction and air pressure. To record these observations, we had to set up some equipment outside. The children made an apparatus to catch rainfall, read the temperature on a thermometer outdoors, and made a weather vane to see how the arrow spins in the wind—we used a compass to see in which direction the wind was blowing. We made a barometer to read the air pressure.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 8 March 2024

Circle dances usually contain a series or pattern of steps that are repeated. Patterns appear in dance, music, art, and nature as well as in math, science, and literature. Helping the Cheeky Monkeys understand patterns will give them a foundation for decoding, organizing, and predicting in all areas of life.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 8 March 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys explored the natural habitats of various insects, with a special focus on bugs. The little artists painted cardboard bug cutouts with their favourite colours and added details such as wings, eyes, and patterns on the body. The children used their imagination and prior knowledge to create their artwork.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 8 March 2024

During the chess lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys revised and learned about the value of different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. Furthermore, they were taught the advantages and disadvantages of leaving the ‘King’ in the centre unprotected. The children practised through different games and activities the moves of the chess pieces.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 9 Febr 2024

During an outdoor lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys learned about warm and cool colours. They first identified warm and cool colours in their natural surroundings and then they collected leaves, pine cones, sticks and other objects to use to create their artwork. The children painted beautiful warm and cool colour effects according to their imaginations using different objects creatively.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 9 Febr 2024

During the chess lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys revised and learned about the value of different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. They also learned about the positioning of chess pieces on a chess board through different games.


Cheeky Monkeys, 9 Febr 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys children have been preparing for Valentine’s Day with some crafts. We have been making hanging Valentine’s wreaths for decorations. In maths, we have been learning addition to 40. The children learnt how to add without and with regrouping on a place value chart. For an outdoor lesson, the class had to hunt for number cards around the garden and work together to add them, doing the work on the ground using chalk.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 9 Febr 2024

Singing is a basic and beautiful form of human expression. The Cheeky Monkeys’ ability to be expressive in language extends to the exploration of their many voices, singing songs in a limited range, and emerging pitch accuracy. In keeping with the integrated nature of learning, the benefits of singing extend beyond the ability to match pitches. Singing helps with memory and recall, physical development, creativity, and socialization.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 26 Jan 2024

During a chess lesson, the Cheeky Monkeys learned about the values and movement of different chess pieces through different games. They learned about the movement of the ‘Rook’ and ‘Pawn’ on the chessboard. Additionally, they also revised the distinctions between the files and ranks of the chessboard.

Cheeky Monkeys, 26 Jan 2024

We have been making headway in our mathematics curriculum by looking at our next unit, graphing and data handling. The children did an activity that involved rolling the dice and recording the data. Rolling dice to collect data is a great way to introduce the concept of probability and teaches hands-on graphing while promoting collaborative learning by working together in a group. The children took turns rolling the dice and then recorded the data on their graph within a set time. Once time was up, the children came together on the carpet to analyse their data and answer questions on their worksheets. In our Unit of Inquiry lesson, the children did an outdoor activity with a giant map drawn with chalk. Children recapped the names of the continents and tried to find where they came from using reference maps. Finally, they held out their flags for a group photo.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 26 Jan 2024

As the Cheeky Monkeys listen to sounds made by different objects, they are using and developing their listening skills. As they think about familiar objects in new ways, they are using and developing their creative thinking skills. Finally, as they choose and use these sounds in a composition, they are exercising musical choice and strengthening their musical awareness.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 26 Jan 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys learned to make puppets during one of their art classes. The children expressed their creativity using recycled materials in the process. At the end of designing, the children attached strings to their puppets with the help of their teacher. The children were very happy during the whole process.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 12 Jan 2024

In one of their visual arts lessons, the Cheeky Monkeys learned about winter colours and different textures. They painted the foil paper with different winter colours. They painted the winter trees and snowflakes according to their preferences. They loved the whole process.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 12 Jan 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys listened to the story ‘Jumpy Knight’s Horseshoes’ and answered the questions related to the story. Further, they played some games with the chess pieces during the chess lesson. The children played a game where they had to guess the correct chess piece while blindfolded. Additionally, they learned about the ‘Knigt’s’ position and moves on the chess board.

Cheeky Monkeys, 12 Jan 2024

This past week, the Cheeky Monkeys have been learning about length in mathematics. Learning about length in mathematics gives children the fundamental concept of measurement and comparing objects in their everyday environment. The children conducted a pair work where they each received a worksheet and had to complete some tasks. The first task was to gather four objects from the classroom and put them in order from shortest to longest. The next was to measure the window, door and classroom using our hands and feet. The children had to work collaboratively to complete the worksheet.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 12 Jan 2024

Responding to different musical cues, taking turns, and stopping one’s motion are all examples of practising inhibitory control. This important skill can be practised in this activity and other activities we have played in class today.
Inhibitory control is the ability to resist a strong inclination to do one thing and instead do what is most appropriate or needed. Instead of reacting with what is on their mind at that moment, the Cheeky Monkeys have to stop or inhibit that inclination and enact something else.
Examples are:
-Being able to think before you act.
-Being able to learn something new that conflicts with what you usually do.
-Acting appropriately when tempted to act otherwise.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 1 Dec 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys have excitedly kick-started the festive season as they made St. Nicholas Day boots in one of their Visual Arts lessons. They were delighted to cut and stick shiny paper onto their boots and decorate them with drawings and paper pieces. The children excitedly discussed the arrival of Santa Claus and the presents he would bring. The Cheeky Monkeys cannot contain their excitement to meet Santa.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 1 Dec 2023

During one of the chess lessons, the Cheeky Monkeys Class played some games with the chess pieces. They were divided into two teams and played “Detective” where they had to find hidden chess pieces in different parts of the garden and place them on the board before their opponents. Additionally, they were introduced to a story titled “Protect the King”.

Cheeky Monkeys, 1 Dec 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys have started preparing for Christmas—we decorated the Christmas tree with fun ornaments and lights, we made the door into an elf selfie and the children had fun posing behind the door for pictures. We had our first snowy day for winter; the children had plenty of fun sledding, making snowballs and playing in the snow. For our Unit of Inquiry, the children were paired to create a town with cutouts and a map.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 1 Dec 2023

Today the Cheeky Monkeys spent time learning about these two musical symbols that represent one played beat and one silent beat. Putting these symbols together in different sequences gives us rhythm patterns. We moved, played, and read this pattern; ta ta ta (rest). Learning to create and play sequences using symbols is a beginning step in learning to read music. Learning to read those sequences is also good practice for learning to read words and sentences. The benefit of the experience is that these patterns are experienced kinesthetically, aurally, and visually. The multi-sensory approach aids comprehension and internalization.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 17 Nov 2023

As Thanksgiving approaches, the children of the Cheeky Monkeys discuss the significance of this event. They recently participated in an art lesson where they created a beautiful turkey using their drawing abilities and the given materials. The children enjoyed the process of drawing, cutting and sticking, which allowed them to develop their fine motor skills while having fun. As part of the lesson, they also discussed the importance of Thanksgiving and what they are thankful for. This was a great way to encourage gratitude among children and promote positive thinking. Further, they were able to identify the parts of a turkey, which is a fun way to learn about animals and biology. The Cheeky Monkeys had a lot of fun while learning during this activity.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 17 Nov 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children played some games with the chess characters in one of their chess lessons. First, they used their sensory skills to look for chess pieces their classmates rolled for them. Next, they played hide-and-seek with the chess pieces by helping their classmates with the signs of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ to give clues about the chess pieces’ secret locations. Further, they listened to the story called “Camp Fire”.

Cheeky Monkeys, 17 Nov 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys have been learning about shapes in mathematics. We played an outdoor game where we first identified the characteristics of the 4 basic shapes—square, circle, rectangle and triangle. Then the teacher spread out shapes in various sizes and colours on the ground and the children had to find their shapes to take back to their circle. The next day, the children participated in some centre activities. They made a picture out of shapes, made some simple patterns, did some tangram puzzles and played some sorting activities on the smart board and tablet.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 17 Nov 2023

Anchoring new learning with movement is the best and most efficient path to understanding. The Cheeky Monkeys have now experienced a rhythm pattern by moving to it, hearing it, seeing it, and playing it. Because of this multi-sensory experience, the abstract concept is more understandable and will become a building block for more learning.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 03 Nov 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children played some games with the chess characters in one of their chess lessons. First, they used their sensory skills to look for chess pieces their classmates rolled for them. Next, they played hide-and-seek with the chess pieces by helping their classmates with the signs of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ to give clues about the chess pieces’ secret locations.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 03 Nov 2023

This seemingly simple activity of playing the piano is a great source of practice for fine motor development. Playing with only one finger actually calls for sophisticated use of the tiny muscles in the Cheeky Monkey’s hands. Learning to find and play one note at a time is the beginning step in learning to play the piano as well as any other instrument where fingers need to play independently.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 03 Nov 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children made Halloween-themed silhouette bat paintings in one of their visual arts lessons. First, they painted the background and layered the colours from light to dark using tempera paint. At last, they painted bat silhouettes using black tempera paint and painted various kinds of flying bats to the best of their abilities.

Cheeky Monkeys, 03 Nov 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys have been learning about what it means to be a part of a community and neighbourhood. We read a story about a boy called Tom Tom who lives in a community with lots of family and relatives. We looked at the places and people he visits and what his life is like. Then we explored the neighbourhood around Happy Kids on Google Earth. The children also took turns searching for their address and presenting where they live and the neighbourhood around their house. For mathematics, the children learned how to write a family of number sentences. They went outdoors and collected some natural materials and used those to make number bonds and addition and subtraction sentences.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 13 Oct 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys made Senecio-inspired portraits using cool and warm colours in their visual arts lessons. First, the children learned some interesting facts about Paul Klee, such as how he became an artist and how he found his style which was influenced by children’s art, cubism, and painting on marks applied on paper using pale colours. Then, the children observed Paul Klee’s most famous artwork, such as Senecio, Castle and Sun, and The One Who Understands, and talked about them in great detail. Then, the children challenged themselves and drew and painted Senecio-inspired portraits, one with warm, and one with cool colours only to the best of their abilities.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 13 Oct 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children played a lot of fun games with the chess pieces. First, they had to guess the chess pieces’ names by only seeing a bit of them. Then, they played the Hot and Cold game with the chess pieces and the children had to find the hidden pieces by following the chantings of hot, cold, warm, and freeze hints. At last, the children formed into diagonals, ranks, and files and played a racing game with the chess pieces.

Cheeky Monkeys, 13 Oct 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys were busy looking into their Unit of Inquiry, Community Spirit, these past two weeks. The children first worked on an All About Me cube; they coloured, wrote and drew pictures about themselves. Then they cut it out and with the teachers’ help, glued it together to make the cube. The Cheeky Monkeys worked together outside talking about what an Ideal Classroom would look like. The children brainstormed ideas and rules in the classroom which would ensure a successful community. The children then split into their TRIBES group to draw some of their ideas and suggestions. Finally, we worked on a Harvest craft depicting paper plate scarecrows.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 13 Oct 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys imitated the rain and wind sounds with rhythm sticks and scarves. Ample opportunity for practice of this kind along with the affirmation and enthusiasm nurtures the development of the children’s gross motor skills and coordination.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 29 Sept 2023

In our classes, we teach the activities so that the Cheeky Monkeys can take in information through multiple senses. We call this multisensory learning. Multisensory learning is a powerful teaching tool because it fosters resilient learning and supports the different learning styles of children in our class. This activity involves listening, processing, labelling, and movement.

When we use multiple senses we are able to provide many opportunities to strengthen the learning and make it more permanent.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 29 Sept 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children extended their knowledge and understanding of the three primary colours and learned about an artist named Piet Mondrian. They were shown some of Mondrian’s most famous works, such as Broadway Boogie Woogie, Trafalgar Square, New York City, and Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue. They observed Mondrian’s works and listened to his favourite music genre (what inspired him many times), jazz to get into a ‘Mondrian-inspired’ mood. The children used black paper strips and glued them vertically and horizontally according to their inspirations and creativity. They used their measuring skills, creativity, and imagination, and created artwork using their feelings, rhythm, order, and balance. They filled some of the spaces with paint using the three primary colours, just like Mondrian.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 29 Sept 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children had a P.E.-themed chess lesson. First, they played a tag game with the royal couple. Then, they played line games, and racing games with the chess pieces. They used their balance and coordination skills, spatial awareness, fundamental movement skills, teamwork and cooperation skills, and safety skills. They also worked on some bishop-themed worksheets to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the bishop.

Cheeky Monkeys, 29 Sept 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys celebrated three birthdays last week and we had cake and dancing, it was sure a busy week. For mathematics, we learnt about addition to 10 and how to connect number sentences to number bonds. The children viewed pictures that tell a story and they had to come up with a number sentence. Children were chosen to come to the board and fill in the number bond and addition number sentence.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 15 Sept 2023

What makes you special? Are you different or similar from one another? The Cheeky Monkeys children extended their knowledge of the features of their main physical characteristics. First, they looked into mirrors to see what colour their eyes were, what colour their hair was, what type of hair they had, and what colour their skin was. They identified other important characteristics such as glasses, colourful hairbows, hairbands, ponytails, the colour of their nails, and necklaces. When drawing self-portraits the children have the opportunity to accurately depict themselves, develop a sense of self-identity, understand and learn about spatial relationships, proportions, and symmetry, communicate about their work, and become more aware of cultural and individual differences in physical appearance, fostering a sense of diversity and acceptance.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 15 Sept 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys children visited the residents of the Chess Palace after their long summer break. They played some games with the chess pieces, such as organising them to the starting position, finding mistakes in the settings, walking, jumping on a steady beat, and handling the chess beanbag with their hands and feet. The chess characters tried to challenge the Cheeky Monkeys children but they were just too smart and clever not to fail.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 15 Sept 2023

When learning to sing on pitch, each child takes in the information and processes it differently. Our lessons are carefully crafted to give the kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learners opportunities to experience the lesson through their strongest learning styles. Hearing the two pitches sung, singing the pitches themselves, associating the two pitches with a familiar song, and moving their hands up and down while they sing are perfect examples of how one activity reaches each learning style. When the Cheeky Monkeys experience success through their dominant learning style, they gain confidence and learning is strengthened and accelerated.

Cheeky Monkeys, 15 Sept 2023

The Cheeky Monkeys started the year off by doing lots of groups and class activities. We incorporate TRIBE activities every day and one of the games that was a hit with children was the ‘What am I’ game. In this game, children are chosen to hold up a picture of an animal, fruit or vegetable, which they do not know, and they have to ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to their classmates to find out what they have. This game was quite complicated as the children had to use their thinking skills to ask effective questions. We did a variety of maths activities in the past two weeks pertaining to numbers to 10 and number bonds. The children learnt in a whole class setting where they saw and participated in activities set up by the teacher and they also went to the table for smaller group tasks such as arranging cubes in ascending and descending numbers.

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys practised different moves of the chess pieces through various games. The children learned how to set up the chessboard and the check and mate technique.

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys learned about the characteristics of snails and used oil pastels to create beautiful snail drawings. They were also taught techniques for using oil pastels and cutting.

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 07 June 2024

Spatial awareness allows us to sense our surroundings, recognise how our bodies relate to our environment, and understand how objects around us relate to one another. As children develop spatial awareness, they hone a better understanding of physical boundaries as...

Cheeky Monkeys, 07 June 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys have been learning about British money. The class explored activities that simulate using money in the real world through various activities involving the exchange of money and goods. This would have several benefits to the children, not only in the...

Cheeky Monkeys, 24 May 2024

In preparation for Environmental Day, the children have been learning about ways to conserve the environment and about sustainability. The Cheeky Monkeys class took a short walking trip to the nearby recycling drop-off station. We carried a bag of recyclable materials...

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 24 May 2024

Spatial awareness allows us to sense our surroundings, recognize how our bodies relate to our environment, and understand how objects around us relate to one another. As the Cheeky Monkeys develop spatial awareness, they hone a better understanding of physical...

Cheeky Monkeys, Visual Arts, 24 May 2024

This week, the Cheeky Monkeys explored mixed media art techniques. They used various art materials such as cardboard, magazines, glue, and paints to create beautiful flowers, fostering the development of their fine motor and focusing skills.  

Cheeky Monkeys, Chess, 24 May 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys are reviewing all the moves of the chess pieces. They practised setting up the chessboard and revised the features and values of the pieces through different games.

Cheeky Monkeys, 10 May 2024

The Cheeky Monkeys enjoyed a sunny day outside by participating in an outdoor activity to celebrate the upcoming Environmental Day and the coming of summer. We decided to upcycle an old pallet we found at the back of Happy Kids and turn it into a fun planter. After...

Cheeky Monkeys, Music and Drama, 10 May 2024

In this activity, the Cheeky Monkeys explore their voices by singing and vocal play. As they echo you, they are learning to match and reproduce specific pitches and word sounds. It allows them to practice the precise coordination of lips, tongue, and breathing...