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Welcome to the Happy Kids parents blog!

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Cuddly Koalas

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 07 June 2024

The Bright Bunnies practised different moves of the chess pieces. They identified the chess pieces and described their characteristics through various games. The children also reviewed the concept of files, ranks, and diagonals on a chessboard.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 07 June 2024

Listening, singing, and playing instruments together while connecting to the larger community can be an experience of musical ecstasy for children. All the senses are employed, the emotions are engaged, and the stage is set for Bright Bunnies to experience a sense of joyful flow.

Bright Bunnies, 07 June 2024

Recently, the Bright Bunnies Class embarked on a delightful trip to Margaret Island in Budapest. The day’s adventure was filled with discovery, learning, and enjoyment, making it an unforgettable experience for the children. Our first stop was the tranquil Japanese Garden. The children were fascinated by the koi pond and the graceful fish swimming in it. They eagerly crossed the wooden bridge, admired the stone lanterns, and marvelled at the beautifully pruned bonsai trees. A friendly guide by the pond introduced the children to the pond’s ecosystem. They learned about koi fish, aquatic plants, and the concept of symbiosis. The children were particularly intrigued by tales of dragonflies and tadpoles, sparking their curiosity about nature. Next, we visited the vibrant Rose Garden. The children were in awe of the array of colourful roses and delighted in the various fragrances. They enjoyed identifying different rose varieties and choosing their favourites. The trip to Margaret Island was a perfect blend of education and sensory delight for the Bright Bunnies class. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and the simple beauty of nature, leaving everyone with wonderful memories.

Bright Bunnies, 24 May 2024

A few weeks ago, the Bright Bunnies embarked on a delightful gardening adventure, planting strawberry plants. This was not just a simple task of putting seedlings into the soil. It was a commitment to nurture and grow something beautiful and delicious.

From the moment those tiny plants found their home in the raised bed, the Bright Bunnies were dedicated to their care. Every day, they made sure the plants were watered just right—not too much, not too little. They vigilantly kept the bed clean, removing weeds and any unwanted debris that could hinder the strawberries’ growth. Their hard work and attention to detail did not go unnoticed.

Now, their efforts are starting to bear fruit—quite literally! The once-bare plants are now adorned with an abundance of flowers, and the first glimpses of berries can already be seen. These bright red jewels promise a bounty of ripe, juicy strawberries in the coming weeks.

The anticipation is almost as sweet as the strawberries themselves. There is something incredibly rewarding about seeing the fruits of your labour, especially when it is something as delicious as homegrown strawberries. The Bright Bunnies can hardly wait to taste the results of their hard work and dedication.

Gardening is not just about the end product; it is about the journey. It is about learning patience, responsibility, and the joy of nurturing life. The Bright Bunnies’ strawberry adventure is a perfect example of how a little bit of care and effort can lead to something truly rewarding.

So, here is to the Bright Bunnies and their flourishing strawberry plants! May their garden continue to grow and bring joy (and tasty treats) to all. Stay tuned for more updates on their gardening journey—next stop, strawberry picking!

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 24 May 2024

Though it may sound strange, young children crave patterns. Familiar, recurring patterns bring order to the Bright Bunnies’ lives and help them to make logical predictions and anticipate daily events. Patterns also help children learn to sequence, an understanding of how to put things (objects, events, images, thoughts, or actions) in a specific order, from first to last.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 24 May 2024

The Bright Bunnies created butterflies for the Year End celebration after learning about the butterfly’s life cycle and the symmetrical balance in a butterfly’s wings.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 24 May 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about the moves of the ‘Bishop’ on the chessboard. They also practised setting up a chessboard by placing the chess pieces in the correct order.

Bright Bunnies, 10 May 2024

Learning is indeed a thrilling adventure, especially when it takes place outdoors, where every moment becomes a multi-sensory delight. The Bright Bunnies recently embarked on an exciting journey into the world of measurement, exploring not just the usual suspects but also some wonderfully unconventional methods.

Picture this: bright-eyed youngsters, armed with rulers, measuring tapes, and perhaps a dash of imagination, ready to conquer the mysteries of length, width, and height. But hold on – this was not your ordinary classroom affair. No, sir! This was an expedition into the great outdoors, where learning takes on a whole new dimension.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 10 May 2024

Today’s lesson focus is tempo, which is defined as the speed of music (fast, slow, and everything in between). Bright Bunnies explored the concept of tempo by listening, singing, imitating, moving, and observing. This unit’s garden theme allowed the children to make connections between the concept of tempo and things they know and recognise in the real world, like bunnies, birds, flowers, and snails.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 10 May 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about the moves of the ‘Speedy Bishop’ and practised observing the opposite team’s moves through mirror games. The children also learned about the features of the chess pieces through different games.


Bright Bunnies, 26 April 2024

The Bright Bunnies, with their insatiable curiosity and boundless enthusiasm for learning, have embarked on an exciting journey into the world of 3D shapes. As they delved deeper into the realm of geometric wonders, their exploration took on various forms, each more engaging than the last.

Initially, their adventures began with the simple yet thrilling task of hunting for shapes. Armed with pencils and tally charts, the Bright Bunnies scoured their surroundings in search of geometric treasures. From the sturdy solidity of cubes to the graceful curves of cylinders, every discovery was met with gleeful excitement and eager tallies on their charts. Through this interactive activity, they not only honed their shape-spotting skills but also gained a deeper understanding of the concept of tallying and data collection—an invaluable lesson disguised as play.

However, it was their foray into the realm of hands-on creation that truly ignited their passion for 3D shapes. Armed with sticks and salt dough, the Bright Bunnies set out to bring their geometric imaginings to life. With deft hands and creative minds, they moulded and shaped their dough into an array of polyhedral wonders, from pyramids to prisms, each a testament to their ingenuity and resourcefulness. As they worked, they discussed the properties of each shape, exploring concepts of vertices, edges, and faces in a tangible and tactile manner.

Through these immersive experiences, the Bright Bunnies not only expanded their knowledge of 3D shapes but also cultivated essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity. And as they continue on their educational odyssey, one thing is certain: with their boundless curiosity and adventurous spirit, the possibilities are endless.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 26 April 2024

Today we played with all kinds of chants, poems, and songs. We are supporting vocal development in the Bright Bunnies by integrating a variety of vocal experiences, including speaking, singing, and playing with vocal sounds. Vocal play encourages the Bright Bunnies to explore how to use the voice in different ways: speaking or singing loudly or quietly, quickly or slowly, or in high or low tones. Supporting vocal development in this way not only strengthens the children’s musical abilities but their communication skills as well.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 26 April 2024

The Bright Bunnies had the opportunity to evaluate and recreate a famous artist’s artwork. They were encouraged to analyse the use of colours, lines, and dots, as well as the expressions portrayed in the artworks presented to them. The children enjoyed recreating similar artworks and gained a deeper appreciation for the creative process.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 26 April 2024

The Bright Bunnies have been learning about the chessboard, specifically the difference between files and ranks, and the different moves of each chess piece. They learned about the moves of a rook by listening to the story “Sturdy Rook Gets Lost in the Woods.” They also practised identifying and positioning the chess pieces.

Bright Bunnies, 12 April 2024

Outdoor learning is so much fun in this lovely early spring sunshine! The Bright Bunnies searched the garden high and low and tried recognising 3D shapes. Keeping a record of what you find is an important skill, so they were introduced to taking a tally. They amazed their teachers with just how fast they grasped this tricky concept.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 12 April 2024

Body awareness is part of self-awareness. Inviting the Bright Bunnies to play with the blocks on different parts of their bodies can ignite the thinking process about other ways to play. As ideas flow, children will think of other body parts to tap into and see how their bodies move and work to make their ideas happen. As the children see others imitate their ideas, they will also delight in knowing they are contributing creatively to the group.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 12 April 2024

The Bright Bunnies children learned about planet Earth in one of their art lessons. They created a beautiful Earth mosaic using recycled paper pieces. During this activity, they practised their scissor and sticking skills. The children were fully invested in creating their artwork, trying to make it as close to the sample art piece as possible.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 12 April 2024

The Bright Bunnies have recently learned about the difference between files and ranks on a chessboard, as well as the various moves of the chess pieces. They also listened to the story ‘Over The Hill And Dale’ which helped them understand the similarities between a map and a chessboard. To further practice their skills in positioning the chess pieces, the Bright Bunnies have been playing various games that help them recognize the positions on ranks, files, and diagonals.

Bright Bunnies, 22 March 2024

The Bright Bunnies are thoroughly relishing this delightful early spring sunshine, and it comes as no surprise that they seize every available opportunity to bask in its silky warmth. Just the other day, they diligently planted a selection of strawberry plants, filled with anticipation for the forthcoming harvest of juicy berries. Rest assured, we shall keep you duly informed of their progress.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 22 March 2024

An activity like ’Grasshoppers Three’, where we dance with scarves to a lively song, is a potent developmental tool. When the Bright Bunnies dance with their scarves in different ways, such as up high and then down low, they increase their body awareness as they move intentionally to imitate our modelling. They learn spatial awareness as they move the scarves over their heads and down by their toes. They improve their coordination by learning to control the movement of their arms and hands. Becoming familiar with the movement of our limbs on dancers, construction workers, or just navigating an ordinary day.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 22 March 2024

The Bright Bunnies children painted flowers in various colours to welcome spring. Some used one colour, while others used multiple colours or submerged the flowers to create an abstract look.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 22 March 2024

The Bright Bunnies revised and learned about different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. Additionally, they learned about the positioning and movement of chess pieces on a chess board by playing catch the chess pieces and identifying them. They also played games where the children had to take different positions on the chess mat.


Bright Bunnies, 8 March 2024

Spring is finally here! The Bright Bunnies using all of their senses first listened, then smelled, looked and felt the wonderful signs of spring. Little birds twittering happily, flowers blooming, trees budding. Welcome spring!

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 8 March 2024

During their chess lessons, the Bright Bunnies revised and learned about different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks. Additionally, they learned about the positioning and movement of chess pieces on a chess board by telling a chess palace fairy tale to their peers.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 8 March 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about the natural habitats of various insects with a special focus on the honeybee. The little artists created the honeycombs and the life cycle of a honeybee using different art materials and techniques. The children used their imagination and prior knowledge to create their artwork..

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 8 March 2024

Circle dances offer a unique opportunity for imitative play that involves our whole community. As we stand facing one another, the lines are blurred between leading and following. The Bright Bunnies are doing both of those things at the same time. This is reciprocal teamwork that results in a feeling of interdependence.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 9 Febr 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about teamwork during one of their visual arts lessons. They identified and discussed the importance of working in a team. The children used recycled materials to create their artwork. Children were excited throughout the process and helped each other to complete their art projects.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 9 Febr 2024

The Bright Bunnies revised and learned about different chess pieces and the difference between the files and ranks during their chess lessons. They also learned about the positioning and movement of chess pieces on a chess board through different games.


Bright Bunnies, 9 Febr 2024

Special Days are always great fun at our kindergarten, but those that involve parents coming and joining us for the activities are something simply amazing! Trixie the Fox thought there is a big piece of cheese in the well, so we created cheese sandwiches, made origami foxes and listened to the story in Hungarian too. Great fun all was!

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 9 Febr 2024

Circle dances come from the wonderful tradition of communities dancing together, a tradition that is timeless in origin and yet relevant today in its capacity to foster togetherness. Dancing in a circle benefits the mind, body, and spirit. “Circle dance is a very accessible form of dance for people of all ages and abilities, with the emphasis on participation, not performance.” (Michaelsen). As the Bright Bunnies cooperate to do the steps of the dance, they are watching one another, imitating one another’s moves, and making eye contact, all in a context of play and enjoyment. This experience creates a sense of belonging and contribution.

Bright Bunnies, 26 Jan 2024

Learning about time has never been so much fun! After playing the ‘What is the Time Mr Wolf’ game, drawing our clocks and then finding sticks was just as much fun as being the clock hands ourselves. The weather showed us its kind face as sunshine and nippy frost together made for the perfect winter days.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 26 Jan 2024

Today the Bright Bunnies enjoyed some echo and imitation activities as we sang, danced, and played. Imitation and echo are powerful teaching tools throughout our lives. Think of those times sitting around the campfire learning new songs, repeating words and phrases after the teacher in school, or copying steps to a new dance. To learn the three-beat rhythm of the minuet, we experienced the rhythm by repeating familiar three-syllable words, reproduced the rhythm by playing it as body percussion, then learned the movements now and will help them when they study an instrument or sing or play in an ensemble later on.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 26 Jan 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about warm and cool colours during their art lesson. They identified warm and cool colours through various images and then painted the sun and moon effects according to their imaginations.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 26 Jan 2024

During a chess lesson, the Bright Bunnies learned about the principles of chess through different games. They learned to move the chess pieces diagonally, vertically, and horizontally. Additionally, they also learned about the distinctions between the files and ranks of the chessboard.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 12 Jan 2024

The Brilliant Pandas had a fun and creative visual arts lesson learning about polar animals and the collage artwork technique. They made beautiful penguins using different coloured paper pieces. The children chose the preferred paper pieces and pasted them to make a figure like a penguin. It was a joyful activity which resulted in some beautiful penguins.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 12 Jan 2024

The Bright Bunnies had a fun and educational day playing games with chess pieces. The children started with a warm-up game where they blew the paper boat from one end to the other.

After the children listened to the story called “Who Will Be the Captain” and answered the questions related to the story. Then the children played some games in which they tried to find the chess bean bags by making binoculars with their hands. In another game, the children were asked to pull a string and one with the longest string became the captain. The children had a fun learning day.

Bright Bunnies, 12 Jan 2024

January arrived with some rather cold weather for everyone. The Bright Bunnies, thoughtful and kind right away took to thinking how they could help birds living in our neighbourhood for they realised that finding food must be very tough in this cold weather, so they swiftly took to making bird feeders using some delicious ingredients. Peanut butter was tempting, but they showed great discipline not tasting this popular treat and leaving it all for the birds.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 12 Jan 2024

Movement and language are great partners. As you dance or blow bubbles and label your movements with words like up and down, you are helping the Bright Bunnies’ brain create new connections around these concepts. You can sing along, labelling your movements or describing the movements your child is choosing. Either way, you are encouraging your child’s language and learning.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 1 Dec 2023

The children in the Bright Bunnies are getting into the festive spirit. They had a great time making a St. Nicholas Day boot during their Visual Arts lesson, choosing different Christmas-themed paper strips and sticking them together. It is so cute how excited they are about Santa coming and bringing them presents. Surely they cannot wait to meet him.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 1 Dec 2023

The Bright Bunnies Class had a fun and educational day playing games with chess pieces. They began their lesson by reviewing the story “The Royal Couple”. Next, they played a game called “Tik Tok Boom”, in which they picked a rhyme and ran towards the chess beanbags when they heard the word “boom” to locate the called-out chess piece. In another game, the children stood at the starting point of the chess board. They attempted to identify chess pieces using their physical characteristics and place them in the appropriate files. These activities helped the children to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Overall, the children enjoyed playing “Tik TikTok Boom” and learning about chess.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 1 Dec 2023

Imaginative play in childhood prepares the child to think creatively in a variety of settings throughout their lives. When the Bright Bunnies engage in pretend playing with a prop, they shift from the question, “What does this object do?” to a slightly different question, “What can I do with this object?” The object itself ceases to be the major focus of concern as the child incorporates the object into play in which the child chooses the meaning and goals. Through repeated exploratory experiences, the child discovers that every object has unlimited possibilities for use. Using the imagination helps the Bright Bunnies develop the ability to think abstractly, to use language to describe things others cannot see, and to empathize with other people.

Bright Bunnies, 1 Dec 2023

As November came to a close, some surprises awaited us. For a moment, we felt like we were in a magical winter wonderland. Enormous fluffy snowflakes floated gently through the sky and slowly down to the ground. It was almost impossible to contain our excitement at the prospect of getting outside and enjoying the splendour of the day. Just look at the photos to feel the moment.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 17 Nov 2023

The Bright Bunnies children recently participated in a visual arts lesson where they created mushroom artwork with a recycling theme. The lesson began with a discussion on recycling and the importance of reusing materials to reduce waste. The children also learned about Marcel Duchamp, the first artist to introduce recycled art. With this knowledge, the children were inspired to create their own unique mushroom artwork using recycled materials such as lolly sticks and half cups. Each child was able to express their creativity and preferences in their artwork, resulting in a diverse and colourful display. This lesson not only taught the children about the importance of recycling but also allowed them to explore their artistic abilities and develop their fine motor skills. Well done, Bright Bunnies!

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 17 Nov 2023

The Bright Bunnies children had a fun and educational day playing games with chess pieces. The children started by revisiting opposite pairs of words such as up and down, hot and cold, black and white, day and night, and big and small.

After that, the children acted out a story called “Royal Couple” where the King and the Queen got stuck in the rain and the pawns came to the rescue and helped them. It was a great experience for the children to act out the story and learn how to tell a story.

Children shared their experiences of coming to kindergarten in the rain. Children then moved on to the chess board to play the game where they tried to identify the different chess pieces by their physical characteristics and place them in the correct position on the board. In this way, they were able to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Overall, the Brilliant Pandas children had a fun and engaging day while also learning important skills.

Bright Bunnies, 17 Nov 2023

What a treat it was today to meet the new ponies in the silky autumn sunshine. Colourful, crispy leaves covering the ground made everything look magical as sunshine glistened over them. Learning and exercising were just amazing as we were finding our balance and completing some fun tasks. Just look at the smiling faces of our Bunnies and you will most certainly live through some exciting moments.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 17 Nov 2023

An instrument play-along provides many opportunities to practice social skills. We ask the Bright Bunnies to get instruments for themselves, they wait their turn, interact with their friends as they play, and at the end, they work with the group to put the instruments away and get ready for the next activity. These are big steps in the development of cooperation, relationships, and empathy.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 03 Nov 2023

You just cannot say it too many times: I love you. It is such an important message for the Bright Bunnies to hear, whether you say, sing, or sign it. Knowing that they are loved unconditionally is one piece of the emotional puzzle that gives your children the need to become confident, competent learners.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 03 Nov 2023

The Bright Bunnies children prepared some Halloween-themed spooky pumpkin faces in one of their visual arts lessons. First, they extended their knowledge and understanding of Halloween and identified the main physical characteristics of pumpkins. Then, they drew pumpkin faces, cut them on their outlines, and glued other important elements onto them, such as eyes, mouths, teeth, and stems according to their preferences.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 03 Nov 2023

The Bright Bunnies children played some exciting games with the chess pieces. First, the children collected some opposite word pairs, such as hot and cold, black and white, girl and boy, and day and night with King Kaspian and Queen Quenessa. Then, they listened to a story called ‘Out With a Magical Box’ where the tiny pawns found some treasure by being brave and entering into a secret room. With the help of the chess teachers, they recreated the scenes of the story and participated in it by going through a magical secret cellar door and finding and picking treasures, such as chess pieces.

Bright Bunnies, 03 Nov 2023

Autumn has arrived with all the beautiful colours and the chilly mornings. But as always at this time of year we like to celebrate autumn by dressing up in costumes. Some funny, some witty, some a bit scary, but all super duper creative. The Bright Bunnies enjoyed the day full of fun, playing games and eating delicious food of which the ghost crisps were the most popular.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 13 Oct 2023

The Bright Bunnies children had the opportunity to print with natural objects collected by them in the garden. First, the children were challenged to collect and observe natural objects from the garden. Then, with the help of the art teacher, they observed the collected natural objects and learned interesting facts about them. At last, the children helped set up the area for art and created beautiful prints to the best of their abilities. The children used their creativity and imagination and created beautiful pattern and texture prints.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 13 Oct 2023

The Bright Bunnies children visited the residents of the Chess Palace and played a lot of exciting games with the chess pieces. First, met with the animals of the Chess Palace and located them by files and ranks. Then, they played a chess-themed racing game and a chess-themed musical game with chess pieces. At last, they stood in front of the class in the middle of the circle and sang the chess rhymes to the best of their abilities.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 13 Oct 2023

Peekaboo is a classic favourite that is good for more than a smile and a laugh. Hiding and finding you over and over again helps to illustrate object permanence. This concept helps the Bright Bunnies learn that you are there for them even when they cannot see you. That is the kind of reassurance they need to foster their emerging independence.

Bright Bunnies, 13 Oct 2023

Dancing, singing, playing and feasting together to celebrate the good harvest this year in the silky autumn sunshine was a true treat. The Bright Bunnies therefore made the very best of every little moment of the amazing treasure. Hopefully, the photos will reflect the fun that they have had.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 29 Sept 2023

The Bright Bunnies children learnt about the three primary colours in their visual arts lessons. They used yellow, red, and blue paint to mix new colours and glued various-sized primary-coloured paper strips to create collages. Children may share materials, take turns, and work together on their artwork, promoting social skills and cooperation. Creating collages and mixing colours can provide a platform for self-expression, allowing children to convey their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through their creations.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 29 Sept 2023

The Bright Bunnies children visited the residents of the Chess Palace and played a lot of exciting games with the chess pieces. First, they learned to distinguish between chess pieces. Then, they ran together with the chess pieces and stood next to the ones who were checking on them. At last, the children covered their eyes with blindfolds and used their touching senses to find the chosen chess pieces.

Bright Bunnies, 29 Sept 2023

Learning has never been more fun. The Bright Bunnies were busy exploring and taking adventures of many different kinds. One of which is the study of ourselves. Being aware of our personality and character is important. Liking who were are is even more important, for only a healthy person can like others. Putting together a face puzzle was full of giggles and laughs, but drawing our self-portraits most certainly proved to be the height of the week. Please follow the link to see some jolly happy faces.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 29 Sept 2023

Taking turns is a learned skill that can be challenging for the Bright Bunnies. Opportunities to take turns while adults are close by to help if needed, as in this activity, give the Bright Bunnies a chance to practice this valuable skill. Children’s ability to take turns will eventually help them make and keep friends, and be more successful at school.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 15 Sept 2023

The Bright Bunnies children had their very first chess lesson. They looked around the Chess palace with great excitement and introduced themselves to the chess characters. They listened to the story of the Chess Palace. They played some circle games with the chess-themed giant dice and laughed a lot with the residents of the Chess Palace. The children also played games with the chess characters. They moved on the giant chessboard according to the chess pieces’ wishes, such as jumping on black or white squares, jumping on two feet, and walking on tiptoes. The Bright Bunnies children already know: ‘If I play chess all the time, superpower will be mine.’​

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 15 Sept 2023

Emotions have a tremendous impact on learning. The Bright Bunnies learn more readily and easily when they feel calm and happy. Learning with and from a beloved adult provides an even stronger learning environment. Simple activities such as rocking together help to create a sense of safety and comfort that lays a strong foundation for the Bright Bunnies’ learning to take place. One of the most amazing activities for Bright Bunnies was to show their emotions through movement.

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 15 Sept 2023

The Bright Bunnies children are focusing on the All About Me learning theme in September and are learning a lot of new information about themselves and their families. Therefore, the children had the opportunity to draw family portraits according to their family characteristics in one of their visual arts lessons. The children were encouraged to talk about their families and count how many members they had in their households. They also read ’The Dot’ book written by Peter H. Reynolds and extended their knowledge of Vashti’s amazing art journey. The children made marks on paper and painted with watercolours to find their inner artist.

Bright Bunnies, 15 Sept 2023

The Bright Bunnies had a great start to the year. They played fun games that helped them get to know each other and their teachers. Even though they loved and enjoyed it all, still the “Tap the person before they say their name” proved to be the utmost favourite. They even celebrated two birthdays! So, it is no wonder that they are eagerly awaiting the week ahead so that they can continue with the fun and adventures.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 07 June 2024

The Bright Bunnies practised different moves of the chess pieces. They identified the chess pieces and described their characteristics through various games. The children also reviewed the concept of files, ranks, and diagonals on a chessboard.

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 07 June 2024

Listening, singing, and playing instruments together while connecting to the larger community can be an experience of musical ecstasy for children. All the senses are employed, the emotions are engaged, and the stage is set for Bright Bunnies to experience a sense of...

Bright Bunnies, 07 June 2024

Recently, the Bright Bunnies Class embarked on a delightful trip to Margaret Island in Budapest. The day's adventure was filled with discovery, learning, and enjoyment, making it an unforgettable experience for the children. Our first stop was the tranquil Japanese...

Bright Bunnies, 24 May 2024

A few weeks ago, the Bright Bunnies embarked on a delightful gardening adventure, planting strawberry plants. This was not just a simple task of putting seedlings into the soil. It was a commitment to nurture and grow something beautiful and delicious. From the moment...

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 24 May 2024

Though it may sound strange, young children crave patterns. Familiar, recurring patterns bring order to the Bright Bunnies' lives and help them to make logical predictions and anticipate daily events. Patterns also help children learn to sequence, an understanding of...

Bright Bunnies, Visual Arts, 24 May 2024

The Bright Bunnies created butterflies for the Year End celebration after learning about the butterfly's life cycle and the symmetrical balance in a butterfly's wings.

Bright Bunnies, Chess, 24 May 2024

The Bright Bunnies learned about the moves of the 'Bishop' on the chessboard. They also practised setting up a chessboard by placing the chess pieces in the correct order.

Bright Bunnies, 10 May 2024

Learning is indeed a thrilling adventure, especially when it takes place outdoors, where every moment becomes a multi-sensory delight. The Bright Bunnies recently embarked on an exciting journey into the world of measurement, exploring not just the usual suspects but...

Bright Bunnies, Music and Drama, 10 May 2024

Today's lesson focus is tempo, which is defined as the speed of music (fast, slow, and everything in between). Bright Bunnies explored the concept of tempo by listening, singing, imitating, moving, and observing. This unit's garden theme allowed the children to make...