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Snowflakes, snowflakes, little snowflakes, gently falling from the sky. The Tiny Tigers had the wonderful experience of this year’s first snow. The moment they saw the tiny snowflakes, they immediately were glued to the window and started to ask when they could go out and play. Of course, they could take advantage of this amazing opportunity, so with the changing of their daily schedule, right after morning snack, they took over the big garden. The sleighs offered by Happy Kids introduced them to a fun new adventure and they could not stop testing the snow, trying to pull each other and/or slide together. While singing Christmas songs, they also tried to build snowmen and play a snowball match or two. They even spotted a little squirrel who entered the garden to find some winter snack for itself. It was an unforgettable experience that to this day they keep on recalling. They are excitedly looking forward to having their next snow adventure singing winter songs to motivate Ms Weather for another big snowfall.