The Friendly Frogs are learning about living and non-living things. Understanding the distinction between living and non-living things forms a fundamental part of early childhood education. This can be a fascinating topic for preschoolers, who are naturally curious about the world around them. Recognising the difference between living and non-living things helps children make sense of their environment. It teaches them to observe, classify objects, and understand basic biological concepts. This knowledge also enhances their observational skills, critical thinking, and respect for life. The great outdoors offered a natural playground that is both stimulating and endlessly versatile, making it the perfect setting to blend fun with learning while exploring this topic. Two activities were carried out: a nature scavenger hunt. The nature scavenger hunt encouraged children to interact with and explore their natural environment by finding specific items of living and non-living things such as flowers, leaves, twigs, snails and other bugs. The other activity was ‘Outdoor Sensory Exploration’. This activity aims to immerse children in a multi-sensory experience using living and non-living elements such as sand, water, grass, and flowers while encouraging the children to explore and describe the sensory qualities of each material.
Friendly Frogs, 26 April 2024
Apr 26, 2024