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The digital world permeates all of our lives, and even the youngest among us are not exempt. While smart devices certainly have their benefits, more and more experts are highlighting the dangers of excessive use. Let’s explore why this is worth considering and what steps we can take to create balance in our children’s lives!

Preschoolers and the Digital World

Digital devices can be appealing to young children, offering colorful, interactive content. However, experts warn that too much screen time can hinder development. Deficient social skills, delayed language development, and attention disorders are just some of the potential consequences. The issue can also manifest physically, with sleep disturbances and reduced activity levels resulting from a lack of balance.

The Role of Parents

Parents, of course, play the most crucial role in establishing healthy digital habits for their children. What can we do? Set an example and consciously regulate the use of smart devices. Establish clear rules, create screen-free zones and times at home. At the same time, reinforce alternatives by encouraging physical activity, reading, and outdoor play together.

The Role of Private Kindergartens

The good news is that there is help! Smaller class sizes in private kindergartens allow teachers to focus on individual needs, helping to identify and address issues arising from excessive screen time. A good institution also offers exciting activities that provide attractive alternatives to the digital world, such as arts and sports.

The importance of digital detox in preschool age is undeniable. Collaboration between parents and the kindergarten is key to helping children develop a healthy, balanced relationship with the digital world while nurturing essential skills. If you are looking for a private kindergarten that can address the challenges of today’s world, you’re in the right place!