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The Friendly Frogs have been busy exploring the concept of teamwork in our new Unit of InquiryThis unit focuses on developing collaboration, listening, and achieving shared goals.

One key activity involved creating a “Cooperation Web” using a ball of yarn. As the yarn was passed around, each child held onto a piece, forming a web that symbolised how we are all connected. This visual representation helped the children understand the value of their individual contributions and the strength that comes from working together.

We played a game called Pass the Ball, where the goal was to pass a ball around the circle without dropping it. This activity taught the children that teamwork requires focus, patience and trust.

We also engaged in some Reggio Emilia-inspired activities, where the Friendly Frogs used materials like rocks, twigs, leaves and shells to create designs. These open-ended tasks encouraged creativity, collaboration, and the appreciation of each other’s ideas.

Through these activities, the Friendly Frogs build essential teamwork skills in fun, meaningful ways.